Finding the Humor in Life

When I was in high school I was the one who carried a Trapper Keeper.  For those of you who don’t know what that is, it is a binder where you insert folders for each class you are taking.  Within those folders were your papers from each class nicely nestled.  One day my friend and I ran into the bathroom between classes and when I went to set my Trapper Keeper down, each and every paper that was shoved inside, yes shoved – my Trapper Keeper looked like a pack rats dream - cascaded out and under each and every bathroom stall.  I was in high school, very awkward and completely mortified.  My friend, on the other hand, absolutely fell into a fit of laughter.  She was laughing so hard she started sliding down the wall.  As I looked at her lost in this fit of laughter, seeing the pure joy on her face, I started to realize how absolutely funny it was and at the same time how I lived in a sitcom.  I don’t joke with you when I tell you my husband calls me Lucy (after Lucille Ball) every time I have an “idea”.  My life has been a never-ending pattern of these funny moments.  To this day, in even the worst of times, I find the funny.   What if you had the power in stepping back and finding the funny in the moment?  What if you could put that humor and joy into your day to break the monotony?

When we start our life we find ourselves in a wash, rinse, repeat cycle day-to-day, it can dim your light and you find yourself just moving with no purpose, then the conveyor belt starts speeding up – you get married, have kids, take on more responsibility at work, get involved with your kids school, volunteer at the library….becoming more and more serious about LIFE.  When was the last time you stopped and really looked back at your life to find the moments that made you laugh, the joy that lit inside and out or realizing something that seemed so mortifying at the time was actually hysterical? 

When we truly laugh from deep within us, there are very real health benefits:

·      Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones like cortisol, epinephrine (adrenaline), dopamine and growth hormones while at the same time increasing those feel-good hormones, endorphins

·      Laughter increases the effectiveness of antibody-producing cells and enhances the effectiveness of T cells = can strengthen the immune system

·      Laughter is both a physical and emotional release

·      Laughter can exercise the diaphragm, contract the abs and work the shoulders leading to being more relaxed

·      Laughter can distract you from anger, judgement, guilt, stress and fear

·      Laughter can help you see challenges in a whole new light

·      Laughter connects you with other people because it can be contagious


Some great first steps to putting humor back into your life is to start stepping back from situations and find the funny, watching something funny or being with people that make you laugh.  We have been raised to be so serious that we are missing the opportunity for pure JOY in the moments.  Take some time this month and find the funny.  In the meantime, I am going to jump right back into my sitcom – because if you knew what was going on right now, you would be surprised I have still found the funny in life.  That is for another story…


1.    Wellenzohn S, Proyer RT, Ruch W. Who Benefits From Humor-Based Positive Psychology Interventions? The Moderating Effects of Personality Traits and Sense of Humor. Front Psychol. 2018;9:821. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00821

2.    Savage BM, Lujan HL, Thipparthi RR, Dicarlo SE. Humor, laughter, learning, and health! A brief review. Adv Physiol Educ. 2017;41(3):341-347. doi:10.1152/advan.00030.2017

3.    Skinner N, Brewer N. The dynamics of threat and challenge appraisals prior to stressful achievement events. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2002;83(3):678-92. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.83.3.678


Enjoying the Day

These last couple of weeks have felt like the Lucille Ball episode where Lucy and Ethyl get jobs in a candy shop.  Their responsibilities include taking the chocolate, wrap it in its wrapper, put it in the box and then put it in the fridge. As the conveyer belt starts, the two of them are on top of it and finding it quite easy.  The manager comes in and notices how well they are doing, so she decides to speed up the conveyor belt, which leads to the two of them being in a frenetic pace not able to keep up with wrapping the candies, so they start stuffing the candies into their pockets, mouths, anywhere just to stay on top of it.  How many of you have felt this way?  When you are the audience watching it, you find the humor in the situation – because you are removed from what they are doing with the candy.  What if you had the power in stepping back and finding the funny in the moment?  What if you could put that humor and joy into your day to break the monotony? 


When we start our life we find ourselves in a wash, rinse, repeat cycle day-to-day, it can dim your light and you find yourself just moving with no purpose, then the conveyor belt starts speeding up – you get married, have kids, take on more responsibility at work, get involved with your kids school, volunteer at the library….  The first place to start is recognizing that you are in Lucy and Ethyl’s situation, life is speeding by you and you are just trying to keep up which leaves you in a continual cycle day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month and you want to throw something in the mix that changes the entire dynamic.    The cog you throw into that wheel is choosing to do something you enjoy each day.  This is the second step into self-empowerment.   Life is meant to be lived at the pace you set, not the pace that others or the world sets for you.  


So how do you start making that shift?  Here is an example.  My husband recently bought a turntable because he wanted to go back to listening to vinyl records.  Some evenings when I walk through the door, music is playing and he is in his happy zone.  Here is how to start finding your enjoyable activity: 


1.     Ask yourself: What lights me up? What excites me? What gives me pure joy in the moment?

2.     Start with setting aside 5 minutes a day to jump into this fun activity.


Implementing something you enjoy each day will assist in balancing your energy.  When your energy is in balance, you become more creative and through this creativity, you will find your passion, humor in life and excitement.  It snaps you out of the routine and into possibility.  Away from the candy conveyor that gets faster and faster.


Here is the challenge: This week start with something you enjoy for 5 minutes per day.  Note how you feel..  Have fun with this experience!  


Mary Beth Gudewicz CNTP, MNT, BCHN, FNLP, CFSP, CGP

Bella Nutrition Services LLC

The Sanctuary of a Bath

          When was the last time you allowed yourself to sink into a bath, leaving your day outside the door?    If the answer is “I don’t’ remember the last time”.  Maybe it’s time to include that in your self-care this week. Why?  Aside from it being relaxing, there are many other benefits to that quiet solitude in the warm water.  Let’s explore the benefits to fuel the justification of creating a bathing sanctuary this week.

1.     Baths can help you sleep better.  You heard that right.  At night your body temperature naturally drops to signal the production of melatonin (the sleeping hormone).  Soaking in the bath raises your body temperature and when you leave the tub, your body temperature drops which starts the production of melatonin so you can sleep peacefully.

2.     A bath can help relieve muscle pain by getting your blood moving relaxing the sore and tight muscles.  

3.     Taking a warm bath regularly can help reduce your blood pressure.

4.     You burn calories in the warm water.  Some studies suggest it is the equivalent of a walk.

5.     The steam can clear your sinuses.

6.     It helps you get quiet and just listen in the moment.


Here are some steps to create a perfect bath this week:

·      Start with warm water (not too hot).

·      Add some essential oils such as rose, lavender, calendula, or coconut.  This will help you relax and soothe your skin.

·      Add a teaspoon of Epsom salts to help your muscles and it can reduce infection.

·      Light several candles and place around the tub.

·      Turn on your favorite music.

·      Relax and enjoy.

Creating Community

By: Mary Beth Gudewicz CNTP, MNT, BCHN, FNLP, CFSP, CGP


Community is a coming together of people who want to create fellowship with others, want to share common interests and goals.  It brings together individuals that are seeking love and support as they make their way through their individual journey.  


At Bella Nutrition Services LLC, we bring in love, support, encouragement, celebration, and yes – challenge as needed for those individuals that are ready to work through what is coming up for them as they play in the big arena called LIFE.  If you are experiencing anything below, then it is time to find your connection:

·      You feel as if you don’t fit in with your family, friends or co-workers

·      You hold back from being open to any of the above for fear of not being understood

·      You are excited about something that is calling to you, but don’t’ know where to start

·      You are starting to see your life in a whole new light

·      You have felt like you just didn’t know where you fit in most of your life

·      You are embracing your unique you and want to find like-minded people

·      You love to dance when no one is watching


Being in community can also unveil to you your gifts and talents that are ready to be brought forth into this world.  There may be hidden talents and gifts that you did not even realize you had within you. 


There are also a number of health benefits to belonging in a COMMUNITY.  The health benefits of human connection include:

·      Strengthens your immune system

·      Helps you live longer

·      Strengthens your mental health

·      Reduces inflammation

·      Increases self-esteem

·      Enhances your quality of life

·      Increases empathy

·      Gives you a sense of meaning or purpose


What are you waiting for?  Get out from under your shell and join our COMMUNITY.  Here are some ways to get started:





Vitamin D: What You Need To Know


Vitamin D is important in many aspects of our health from healthy bones to protection from cancer, and other diseases such as heart disease, and autoimmune disease.  Although it is known as the “Sunshine Vitamin” you are not always getting Vitamin D when the sun is shining.  In fact it is estimated that 50% of the population in North America are Vitamin D deficient.  Our mechanism for making Vitamin D depends on the availability of UVB rays.  Anyone above latitudes of 37° north of the equator, which is about the Colorado/New Mexico border, and below latitudes of 37° south of the equator experience what is known as “Vitamin D Winter”, where no UVB rays can penetrate the ozone. In Colorado this occurs during the months of November through March and shuts down our ability to make our own Vitamin D. 

What you need to know:

  • Your body is designed to make its own Vitamin D with exposure to the UVB rays of the sun.

  • Just 10-15 minutes of sun exposure depending on your skin color (chest, arms, legs, torso- think 40% of your body) between 10 AM-2 PM will give you 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D.

  • When your skin is pink to the touch, you’ve made 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D, do not overexpose.

  • Keep in mind sunscreen with as little as SPF 8 can block your Vitamin D production by 100%.

  • Burning leads to skin cancer so be mindful of your time in the sun and when you do apply sunscreen be sure to refer to EWG’s sunscreen guide for the latest research and recommendations of the safest sunscreens available.

  • Vitamin D Supplementation

    • There are many factors that affect vitamin D levels such as the season, time of day, and skin color so it is important to monitor your blood levels while supplementing.

    • Vitamin D is fat soluble and is best absorbed in liquid form not through pills.

    • It is essential to supplement and eat foods high in Vitamin D throughout the winter when your body is not able to make its own from the sun.  Here in Denver that is November through March.

  • Vitamin D food sources

    • Wild caught salmon

    • Eggs

    • Mushrooms

    • Sardines

    • Halibut liver oil

    • Wild caught mackerel
